World Children’s Embassy

Ali Sami Palaz

About Us / Introduction


The World Children’s Delegacy


Upholding human rights starts with the children’s rights.

The rationale for the World Children’s Delegacy is to establish the idea of a world where children can actively enjoy all of their rights and have the chances for development and well-being, and defend the children deprived of their basic rights and freedoms and the future of humanity.

Children’s inherent rights and rights acquired within the life cycle can only exist in unity. Heading towards the solutions for the problems which both have been existing throughout humanity and stem from today’s world system can only be possible by taking sides with “human being”. 

The fact that the exploitative attitude of the global system which is based on the law of the power continues and that the United Nations Organization has become dysfunctional has brought about the necessity for new organizations for humanity. Unless children’s rights are placed into the center on the basis of the law of human rights and realized by the processes of the rule of law and participatory democracy multi-faceted problems of children will keep widening.

The most essential and primary task of being human beings is to defend the child and beautify the world for the well-being of humanity. Humanity’s journey to the good can only make hope the key for peace and well-being by defending the child. The discourse of hope does not mean desperation; on the contrary, since the crisis of humanity is enlarged hope itself is enlarged, too. And our true hope is the children who are and will be born.

As the delegates of fraternity and peace create a peaceful environment where the hearts of humanity come closer mankind will reach a new phase on the child blooming the basic rights and freedoms, justice and solidarity. 

What has truly killed human being for ages is the neutral “silence” which becomes evident in today’s world when children are not defended sufficiently and effectively after “children’s rights” are violated. The silence against the violation of children’s rights results in the violation of the rights of all humanity. The fact that children cannot enjoy their rights in prosperity increases the crisis of humanity and thus human rights lose efficiency.

Covid-19 epidemic-pandemic was the most concrete reason for the World Children’s Delegacy. Even if children's problems accumulated and pushed into insolubility throughout the history of childhood, these were fully exposed by the coronavirus outbreak and no concrete steps have yet been taken.

Although it is taken into consideration that corona virus affects children biologically 'just a little', the world children in difficult conditions have literally remained within the circle of siege in the face of the psychological, social, cultural and educational aspects of the epidemic. The economic crisis expected after the epidemic seem to be expanding the spiral of poverty and the poor will be blown towards the upcoming big crisis. The transformation of the power-based system into digital capitalism will further deepen the price that children and women will be paying through the pushing human problems into deadlock.

The pre-corona causes of the World Children’s Delegacy have become more concrete after the epidemic, and this epidemic has become both an opportunity and hope for a global child movement.

The World Children’s Delegacy is an international movement which aims at strengthening/improving the Basic Rights and Freedoms by focusing on the universal values of the morality and civilization of humanity and the law of Human Rights and at actualizing Justice and Solidarity and World Children’s Peace for the best interests and well-being of children irrespective of their language, geography, culture and civilization.

Children are the natural members and spokespersons of the World Children’s Delegacy and this long journey will have to keep going until the noble delegates make the world agree on their influence and views, their views be respected and the World Children’s Peace come true.


The World Children’s Delegacy sets out on a journey to establish an international institutional structure in which every matter about the child will be taken from a child-centered approach and children’s views will be given top priority, children’s views will be made known and accessible, and adults will work for the best interest and well-being of the world’s children with children themselves on the basis of the respect for the child.

Fundamental Principles

  1. Every child who is born is a natural member of the World Children’s Delegacy.
  2. It is essential in every task related to the child that before all else the child’s view is listened.
  3. Upholding the “human” rights begins with “the children’s rights”.
  4. Duties and the tasks related to the Child are fulfilled on the basis of the respect for the dignity and all the inherent and acquired rights of human beings.
  5. For all the violations of the rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, European Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights and all related universal documents on the law of human rights are taken into consideration.
  6. The basic principle that steers the works of Children’s Delegacy is “voluntarism”.
  7. The World Children’s Delegacy is not a representative of any state, non-governmental organization or commercial organization. It has an independent, neutral and trans-institutional identity.

Areas of Activity

  1. Spokesmanship and advocacy of children’s rights
  2. Training children and adults in the field of children’s rights
  3. Monitoring the violations of children’s rights and determining positions against them
  4. Observation and reporting
  5. Developing the child policy
  6. Mediation and proposals for solutions
  7. Representing the views of the child open to constant examination in effective websites and other channels independently
  8. Listening to the views of the children in every world language possible, making them known and accessible by multi-faceted works.


The activities of the World Children’s Delegacy are run by child members and the volunteer delegates of children’s rights from different countries.

Developing the Institutional Structure

The top administration of the Delegacy will have been determined by December 2020 with the participation of child and adult delegates and spokespersons from each country on the basis of the suggestions of country volunteers.

Principles of Working

Regulations and Regulatory Statutes that determine the World Children’s Delegacy Principles of Working that is supposed to explain the purpose, mission and tasks of the World Children’s Delegacy are prepared by negotiating the suggestions brought by the country working groups.

World Children’s Delegacy

The World Children’s Delegacy is an international children’s rights organization whose main idea was proposed by Çocuk Vakfı (the Child Foundation) in 2021 and which is planned to be established in 2020 by receiving the views of children and adults.


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